Dream big. SCORE 33

It started off so polite SCORE 75

This was literally all there was. Be thankful. SCORE 105

That’s one hell of a selfie! SCORE 79

Walrus fell asleep on top of a submarine SCORE 82

Hummingbird and bees gather for a quick drink. SCORE 76

Weezing Jack-o-Lantern SCORE 88

Basics? SCORE 106

My boyfriend went inside a store without him. He stared at me like this the whole time. 4 minutes. He didn’t move or blink much… for 4 minutes. SCORE 94

Michael Jackson and Freddie Mercury 1983 SCORE 54

I’ve been bamboozled SCORE 56

Took my daughter to a van gogh exhibition SCORE 54

Needs more butter. SCORE 34

When You Feed Your Cats An Hour Late SCORE 70

Know your role, jabronie. SCORE 63

Just gonna leaf this here SCORE 47

Geology rocks. SCORE 92

Good luck everyone. SCORE 42

Stop all this unnecessary hate SCORE 59

I guess the breakroom has been on the warm side lately SCORE 74

WHy would you do this? SCORE 36

Maybe you shouldn’t drink milk after all SCORE 106

Amazing squared tabular iceberg. SCORE 65

Electrolytes are the building blocks of cells. SCORE 95

Loved this episode SCORE 102

Perfect spooktober costume SCORE 90

Work, work, work SCORE 67

I Salute You Girl SCORE 72

Malicious Compliance SCORE 108

You’re hired. SCORE 91

The long con. SCORE 88

I love a little dash of despair to get my morning going… SCORE 88