This Mug Knows Nothing SCORE 5

More Brilliant Shower Thoughts SCORE 100

Wrestling Logic SCORE 15

this is how french people take their selfies SCORE 12

How they get those awesome shots of surfers. SCORE 91

I need to pass SCORE 15

This Newspaper Needs To Hire A Spell Checker SCORE 14

Now I Finally Understand SCORE 2

I’m The One Who Barks SCORE 11

Let This Sink In SCORE 6

The luckiest baby SCORE 286

Those junkies SCORE 12

Kanye West caught smiling once again SCORE 6

No Matter Your Beliefs, Respect Always Comes First SCORE 276

An incredible senior quote SCORE 13

How I feel at the moment SCORE 8

3 Simple ways to stay awake SCORE 7

I'm The One Who Barks SCORE 15

This formal suit is actually pajamas in disguise SCORE 117

Parenting Done Right SCORE 133

The Love Wall in Paris has every single language of 'I love you' SCORE 11

Motivation SCORE 13

I Had No Idea Shipping Containers Could Look So Good SCORE 179

The life cycle of a penny… SCORE 10

Smoke giants SCORE 109

Be terrified of me! …please? SCORE 125

These Images Make You Think SCORE 97

Clever Shower Thoughts SCORE 132

This kid is going places! Faith in humanity restored! SCORE 156

Summer SCORE 8

Mind=blown SCORE 6

My Kind Of Bear SCORE 10