communication degradation SCORE 14

wrapping pay-per SCORE 16

phone-a-friend SCORE 14

split level SCORE 20

“love they neighbor, or thyself” SCORE 20

mr. salty and mrs. peppered SCORE 24

pointed finger SCORE 10

pre-de-meditated SCORE 21

advertise-mental SCORE 18

isle trial SCORE 23

photo fin….ish SCORE 48

doggy disguise SCORE 28

n-n-n-nerd’s the word SCORE 29

i can’t believe it’s not butter! SCORE 10

bright light fright SCORE 21

NFT: New Fun Toy SCORE 8

rugpull scheme SCORE 22

meeting expectations SCORE 24

wayward awkward SCORE 19

purrophecy SCORE 25

frozen explosion SCORE 20

thrill bill SCORE 16

sign-al destination SCORE 22

plate white tees SCORE 18

laundry quandry SCORE 24

indie-velopment SCORE 11

movie the-ate(r) SCORE 1

un-chair-itable SCORE 17

annual re-view SCORE 22

chamber-pawt SCORE 11

keys to success SCORE 27

rush n’ roulette SCORE 24