Sapporo Snow Festival in Sapporo, Japan SCORE 130
I can't take the pressure SCORE 127
My teacher told me this one today! SCORE 7
Scar Wars, A New Hope SCORE 100
Really Big Dogs SCORE 112
Sorry, I Can't SCORE 12
If You Happen To Be An Astronaut… SCORE 136
Baby Chameleon SCORE 12
Things Put In Perspective SCORE 172
Interesting Nerdy Fact SCORE 6
And I Shall Call Him, Thorgi SCORE 8
Eggsorcist SCORE 15
Story of my life SCORE 112
Sneaky Toddler SCORE 137
Growing up with siblings SCORE 14
Toddlers React To Lemons SCORE 10
Look at all the stuff I can make with balloons SCORE 9
Illusions work on cats, too! SCORE 141
Mountain lion cub SCORE 13
Mother what ails you? SCORE 8
Or the person you're in need of right now. SCORE 149
Peculiar Street Name SCORE 116
i feel bad for him… SCORE 173
Older gentleman teaches young guy how to tie his tie SCORE 139
I can relate to this horse SCORE 131
When someone asks how excited I am to go back to school after the break SCORE 10
The more you know SCORE 133
I apologise in advance for the pain of this post SCORE 194
4th Grader Haiku SCORE 114
Dat booty doe SCORE 188
Words SCORE 12