Father’s role SCORE 295
visual grammar jokes are my favorite SCORE 266
Honest slogans SCORE 150
Oh snap! SCORE 313
They’ll never believe you! SCORE 175
Discipline your kids with hallucinogens. SCORE 9
If a tree falls in the woods… SCORE 173
Hope SCORE 181
Acid levels of popular sour candies SCORE 149
Stephen Colbert on gayness. SCORE 72
I wonder why? SCORE 343
Wind-up dog. SCORE 14
I came in like a wrecking baaaaallllll SCORE 173
It really captures Miley’s essence… SCORE 138
French kiss SCORE 193
Braces on a jackolantern SCORE 149
Some jokes are just that bad. SCORE 173
If you are reading this… SCORE 125
Not too psyched for Halloween. SCORE 154
cat facts! SCORE 17
what will happen? SCORE 14
Celebrate today! SCORE 128
Come out, pretty. SCORE -63
jackie SCORE 344
Messing with the Canadian SCORE 7
They won best costume. SCORE 213
Need new angle. SCORE 11
Blue SCORE 259
Words SCORE 208
New life motto SCORE 242
camels SCORE 20
Everytime. SCORE 175