Stop saying I wish, start saying I will… SCORE 174
Make-up tip. SCORE 119
Evil Batman. SCORE 131
Just Yes… SCORE 126
A dark side BBQ. SCORE 151
How my brain works… SCORE 153
Winning SCORE 179
Where did my van go? SCORE 164
i love these people SCORE 10
DumbleDora the Explorer. SCORE 185
Trying to be happy… SCORE 144
Clapping at the end of movies. SCORE 143
16 students you meet in college. SCORE 161
Get more out of Google. SCORE 129
I found my mittens!!! SCORE 157
My interest in drawing line graphs over time. SCORE 125
Riding my bike. SCORE 91
The days of the week, as portrayed by cats. SCORE 87
Busted. SCORE 155
My cat’s favorite toy. SCORE 96
My favorite vowel. SCORE 130
Life, sometimes. SCORE 124
Pet horror movies. SCORE 214
A pug’s life. SCORE 40
How Superman does Halloween. SCORE 109
Do not try this at home! SCORE 239
Star T-Rex. SCORE 50
Movies are so unrealistic… SCORE 347
Summer vs. Winter. SCORE 129
Hell is other people before breakfast. SCORE 76
Do want. SCORE 231
You know what’s great about the outdoors? SCORE 89