I have a sloth. SCORE 110

A box of cats. SCORE 91

Why you should always wear sunscreen. SCORE 118

A hero. SCORE 511

Meanwhile, in Idaho. SCORE 153

So Delicious SCORE -253

Michael Jackson in Legos. SCORE 160

All part of the plan… SCORE 154

Faith in humanity, restored. SCORE 174

I would follow her into battle SCORE 10

A few popular pug dance moves. SCORE 38

‘Murica. SCORE 135

Spongebob SCORE 257

The glues. SCORE 136

Calm down man! SCORE 127

You didn’t spit in it, did you?! SCORE -3

Best Christmas Ever SCORE 33

Watch out Abe! SCORE 244

Alarm clocks… SCORE 183

Like a boss. SCORE 129

That is one fancy mustache… SCORE 108

Spidey Just Being Spidey SCORE -9

Money, money, money, money… SCORE 118

Whenever I haven’t checked my email in a few days. SCORE 131

A letter to a ranger. SCORE 337

Places Pomeranians don’t belong. SCORE 198

shakespear SCORE 265

The truth about worry. SCORE 153

The best line in the whole movie SCORE 42

My life as a student in college. SCORE 240

Licked or not licked? SCORE 150

Feeding the homeless SCORE 77