Those junkies SCORE 11

What Did You Just Put In My Mouth? SCORE 13

It Was Worth A Try SCORE 15

Bridge in India made out of an abandoned train-car. SCORE 131

The Bomb SCORE 16

Touché SCORE 168

psa SCORE 148

This Cat Library Is The Best Idea Ever SCORE 204

Every time a mass tragedy happens… SCORE 93

Truer words have never been said. SCORE 10

Be terrified of me! …please? SCORE 125

Short Legged Beauties SCORE 10

Effects Of Global Warming SCORE 122

That tiny stretch. SCORE 9

Smoke giants SCORE 109

London Cash Machines SCORE 114

Should I Get The Selfie Stick? SCORE 103

The nursing cat SCORE 14

Movie quotes and song lyrics too SCORE 9

Can’t Argue About That SCORE 13

Hidden Words SCORE -3

This Newspaper Needs To Hire A Spell Checker SCORE 14

I’m That Kind Of Friend SCORE 15

I don’t think this could have gone any worse. SCORE 13

Wow, Never Thought About This One Before SCORE 145

Bonus Level! SCORE 13

Perspective. SCORE 13

The New Amazing ‘Meowgaroo’ SCORE 122

Dilbert was pretty relevant this week SCORE 138

Graduation Announcement SCORE 163

How they get those awesome shots of surfers. SCORE 91

Especially If You’re A Student SCORE 7