project projecting SCORE 19

legendary cat SCORE 25

pspspspspeed us on our way SCORE 12

drawing the wond– avengers SCORE 6

fighting chance SCORE 20

doing your part SCORE 8

me-cury in retrograde SCORE 12

2023 wrapped SCORE 11

sunsetting SCORE 3

it dae be like thon SCORE 13

beer o’clock SCORE 11

imagination inclination SCORE 7

cursed language SCORE -21

speak easy SCORE 30

feeling feelings SCORE 21

cheesing move… SCORE 19

marketing on another level SCORE 24

peanut butter jelly decline SCORE 9

sticker situation SCORE 13

cents sense SCORE 13

healthy living SCORE 10

sweet eats SCORE 16

handy news story SCORE 20

McPick-Up line SCORE 7

let it all out SCORE 7

you always need more memes SCORE 11

usps guy needs to chill SCORE 18

social cat-astrophe SCORE 14

emotional sponge SCORE 16

opposites attract SCORE 21

dew you even care :( SCORE 5

caffeine counting SCORE 15