Good thing I don’t watch TV… SCORE 268
Blame hurricane. SCORE 166
Good idea guys… SCORE 139
In a perfect world. SCORE 271
Guys vs. girls. SCORE 172
Popsicle vs. ice cream cone. SCORE 143
This is Facebook, not Google… SCORE 313
Please be troll. SCORE 205
Luna Lovegood… SCORE 244
Do I know you? SCORE 217
Just a couple of legends. SCORE 200
Yay geeko sapiens! SCORE 181
Only in America. SCORE 78
He needed some exercise. SCORE 226
Words. SCORE 259
Cool camels are cool. SCORE 298
Poor Sponge Bob. SCORE 122
Words. SCORE 178
Captain Optimism vs. Pessimistic Man. SCORE 240
I can’t math. SCORE 180
Do want. SCORE 177
News flash. SCORE 269
Dammit. SCORE 191
Arrested Development vs. Jersey Shore. SCORE 168
I’m trapped inside! SCORE 226
Why we invaded Iraq. SCORE 279
Lemon Stewie. SCORE 111
What? SCORE 238
I’m feeling lucky. SCORE 249
Perfect order. SCORE 207
I do this. SCORE 145