Just like A Baby… SCORE 115

Some Dogs That Look Like Other Things SCORE 98

Epic cat fight SCORE 105

That Look On Their Face SCORE 7

Russian Medicine SCORE 16

I’m not sure Dairy Queen thought this ad through completely… SCORE 11

Fabulous knife SCORE 9

Kayne is telling us something with his recent tweets SCORE 111

Worth the scroll down SCORE 19

That last one, though SCORE 147

How an author would describe me… SCORE 213

A brilliant illustration of how much public space we’ve surrendered to cars SCORE 9

Dammit stephanie SCORE 9

"judgement box" SCORE 14

It Was So Much Easier SCORE 129

Words of wisdom SCORE 18

Floor Mat Win SCORE 8

Something worth fighting for. SCORE 114

The Dogs Of The World SCORE 8

This Teacher Came Up With A Clever Idea SCORE 128

A cat funeral SCORE 10

Deadpool vs. Deadpool SCORE 156

He might be doing research too SCORE 177

No sense of humor SCORE 15

Building around the trees SCORE 12

Wish I lived back then SCORE 211

Don’t want to get in, don’t want to get out SCORE 110

Best Teapot Ever SCORE 13

Evolve SCORE 0

Life is changing SCORE 157

Potatoes SCORE 12

Ouch, That Hurts SCORE 11