That’s not funny, Japan… SCORE 72

Epicly Drawn TMNT SCORE 0

Co-evolving with cats. SCORE 111

I’m in a long distance relationship. SCORE 216

This would be so awesome, and l don’t even drink coffee SCORE -2

So hope NASA finds this on mars one day SCORE -2

Hey girl… SCORE 105

Otter space. SCORE 182

It’s basically the same thing… SCORE 164

Pun! SCORE 182

Because, cute. SCORE 113

I made To Do list today. SCORE 203

Keep Calm SCORE 3

Proper posture for internet use. SCORE 165

Mmmm. SCORE 228

Made you look. SCORE 0

R2-D2, college observatory April Fools’ Day prank. SCORE 269

The day sloths stole my heart. SCORE 56

All the irony. SCORE 317

There’s still hope. SCORE 316

The evolution of the USA, Dubai and Syria. SCORE 241

My fortune cookie today… SCORE 126

Samurai Vader. SCORE 120

That Awesome moment when you realize… SCORE -2

Super Friend-Zoned SCORE -2

Believe in yourself. SCORE 244

Being a cat owner. SCORE 163

Dogue. SCORE 147

Who Would? SCORE -2

Teenager. SCORE 195

I am grateful always. SCORE 247

A Swing and a TOTAL Miss SCORE -2