Rice Pro Tip SCORE 9
Checking webmd for a friendly diagnosis SCORE 10
Neil deGrasse Tyson Graffiti Found In Downtown Baton Rouge SCORE 10
God’s temper tantrums SCORE 6
I'm ready i'm ready SCORE -2
It Seems We’ve Reached That Point SCORE 129
Dog Life Hacks SCORE 13
Tiled Stairs, San Francisco SCORE 163
Poor Albert SCORE 6
Just Hugh Jackman with a baby penguin SCORE 185
Animals smelling flowers SCORE 176
Modern day Romeo and Juliet SCORE 16
The Cat King SCORE 12
Wrong On So Many Levels SCORE 149
Why I drink SCORE 7
Stumbled upon this gem on Twitter SCORE 174
Not as planned SCORE 174
Oh c'mon Google! SCORE 12
Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision SCORE 147
*sniff* SCORE 122
Worst Thing That Can Happen To Game Of Thrones Fans SCORE 14
The final photo taken of David Bowie on his 69th birthday. Just 2 days before his death. SCORE 147
Sneak pun SCORE 148
Cut that with some scissors before 10 am SCORE 10
All the motivation you need SCORE 7
Einstein’s Tricky Riddle SCORE 2
Living with deaf parents. SCORE 156
Poor Jerry SCORE 118
Puggle Wuggle SCORE 16
Countdown mode SCORE 13
when my underwear match my bra. SCORE 176
Exorcising a laptop SCORE 18