She's got my vote SCORE 7

Better use for wine glasses SCORE 178

The Nerve Of Some People SCORE 8

Independence Day in a Nutshell SCORE 102

Even The Evil Lord Needs To Look Good SCORE 10

Synchronized Streams SCORE 80

Cake dreams SCORE 184

I Mean, Look At Him SCORE 176

This basically defines my relationship with most of the people SCORE 159

This Kid Is A Haiku Master SCORE 184

Students Slaying SCORE 256

This Is So Accurate It Scares Me SCORE 11

Woah…dude… SCORE 183

The Value Of The Work You Do SCORE 10

Murder SCORE 135

Just f- me up SCORE 11

Those Kind Of Naps SCORE 11

These Two Would Make An Awesome Movie Together SCORE 120

But in our defense, he shouldnt have made them so delicious SCORE 172

new Zealand friend asked this SCORE -16

Freedom rings SCORE 93

Connected By The Heart SCORE 7

Fun fact SCORE 174

An architect turns an a bus into an RV SCORE 181

No sister, not today SCORE 532

Everytime I watch Up SCORE 144

Just A Fancy Coconut SCORE 147

The Dangers Of Super Glue SCORE 119

The Camping Tradition SCORE 145

How Bill Gates Counts To Ten SCORE 14

Asking the real questions SCORE 134

Well, People Voted For Him SCORE -1