Can’t hit anything SCORE 182
attack on America SCORE 21
Emma Watson just posted this picture from her graduation SCORE 139
#nofilter. SCORE 206
Them allergies… SCORE 25
In-tru-da window SCORE 174
the phobia of chainsaws SCORE 151
Ladies Don’t Fart SCORE 6
Studying for finals SCORE 205
Row, row, row your car… SCORE 136
When I lose my mom at the store. SCORE 12
Yes Please, Amazon. SCORE 11
No soliciting! SCORE 179
Doing yoga with my dog. SCORE 21
Flirtatious Glances Through a Bookcase… at the Library SCORE 8
murica SCORE 165
How to get Robert Downey Jr.’s signature. SCORE 191
Batman had it rough in High School SCORE 13
How a Pixar Villain Became Popular SCORE 16
Dress for the job you want. SCORE 10
Song Title Battle – Who Won? SCORE -4
find out SCORE 21
When Times Get Tough SCORE 11
I’m fine. SCORE 159
Taco Belle SCORE 106
Thank you for smoking. SCORE 155
Studying for finals, NOPE!!! SCORE 15
a-door-able SCORE 132
Batman’s greatest weakness. SCORE 14
Snow White and the 7 fast food mascots. SCORE 13
Einstein’s riddle. SCORE 18
Nicknames for Game of Throne characters. SCORE 19