I am the night. SCORE 343

State Of The Internet SCORE 141

The existence of coffee… SCORE 177

That’s suspicious… SCORE 148

Hulk, eat a Snickers… SCORE 182

Vermillion Lakes, Canada SCORE 207

Renndølsetra, Norway SCORE 256

Spock as a cat. SCORE 136

I don’t want to live on this planet anymore. SCORE 164

Everyone’s childhood. SCORE 204

Look children, it’s your father! SCORE 32

Increase serotonin. SCORE 120

Don’t use drugs. SCORE 152

Please make this happen. SCORE 151

Sorry about your weight… SCORE 289

Bop. SCORE 202

you cared! SCORE 29

Sloths, also terrifying. SCORE 104

One of these is an evil creature bent on world domination… SCORE 226

The Most British Video Ever SCORE -4

The shelf of the neverempties. SCORE 176

Right to bear arms? SCORE 236

People don’t want to hear about your diet… SCORE 475

Where do babies come from? SCORE 348

Leo trying to wear a watch. SCORE 207

The perks of being J.K. Rowling. SCORE 414

Logic of Tom SCORE 258

This is why I’m fat. SCORE 252

pretty much.. SCORE -7

Foam cup art. SCORE 254

Mark Twain gets it. SCORE 218

I don’t even know what race I am… SCORE 254