Massive Blue Whale Next to 87′ Boat! SCORE 71

What kind of potato is this? SCORE 72

Or Auntie Anne’s SCORE 41

Low Five SCORE 54

Mechanical Rat Pizza is a good band name. SCORE 58

That…escalated. SCORE 77

My Little Depressed Pony SCORE 57

*frog noises* SCORE 60

When water is life and literally nothing else matters. SCORE 64

Cat is as cat does. SCORE 82

Salty planet… SCORE 54

Trusting someone with your life at the Toronto Airshow SCORE 62

To be fair, Doctors are extremely busy all the time… SCORE 95

Parents holding our phones needs to stop SCORE 88

If he dies, he dies SCORE 71

Kevin Spacey isn’t the only one regretting some of his life choices SCORE 25

The determination and the power SCORE 48

Mayor Stubbs SCORE 73

Never forget SCORE 73

Seeing Double SCORE 58

Deaf people drink coffee too, apparently. SCORE 78

Roll the dice. SCORE 96

Aww-ducational! SCORE 149

A personal attack SCORE 67

Googly eyes make everything weird.. SCORE 44

Crabs aren’t spooky. SCORE 72

What will they do when they run out of space??? SCORE 115

Let the games begin SCORE 47

My 1.5yr old son and 14yr old cat had a moment this morning. SCORE 99

How to get a job in 2018 SCORE 64

My kind of antivacc SCORE 118

How to take the last doughnut SCORE 58