China, 2500 years ago SCORE 128

Mammatus clouds over Nebraska after a tornado SCORE 111

Subtle… SCORE 158

Hits gonna keep coming SCORE 115

I still love spongebob SCORE 102

Exam advice SCORE 99

Dial to win! SCORE 62

Painted boys SCORE 139

the cheating whore SCORE 42

It’s the little things SCORE 128

Praise the Bread SCORE 102

My Dog’s First Squeak Toy SCORE 157

Ban smoking SCORE 133

I bought a camera to spy on my dog while I’m gone. I think he knows. SCORE 116

Have you seen our son? SCORE 105

Played himself. SCORE 235

Such good boys! SCORE 192

I Pay Tuition Just Like Everyone Else… SCORE 129

Brilliant SCORE 177

Where’s the beef? SCORE 54

Covers vs. the original song SCORE 129

You get what you pay for SCORE 97

Well, he’s not wrong.. SCORE 150

I was just learning to love…. SCORE 109

My collection of sea glass SCORE 121

Her experience was aweful. SCORE 137

It counts as one SCORE 30

Best friends comforting each other SCORE 181

Nature taking back a stairway SCORE 103

C-5 Galaxy Cargo Intake SCORE 79

This $30,000 handmade wooden bathtub SCORE 104

Easter for the North East this year… SCORE 113