Remember when this was the ultimate comeback SCORE 122
Let's have a sketchy sun as well! SCORE 164
Woolly Jumpers SCORE 118
An amazing secret beach SCORE 125
Alone together SCORE 192
Painfully true facts about everyday life SCORE 7
Bird Vs. Tennis Ball SCORE 7
No, Give It Back SCORE 3
Can't help being sexy SCORE 148
The Programmers’ Curse SCORE 155
Bill Nye is not impressed SCORE 148
The creator of Minecraft decided to try Omegle SCORE 198
Poor Corey SCORE 310
The different types of bras SCORE 7
You will be hurt SCORE 10
I’m Ready, You Guys SCORE 113
And the internet does it again SCORE 188
Yearbook quote accurate af SCORE 196
Skateboarder recovers perfectly from a floop SCORE 139
Now I realise why rock bands never dance SCORE 115
Things you think about while in the shower SCORE 9
I have such an exciting life SCORE 163
Would be nice SCORE 138
The work of satan SCORE 132
Expensive art vs free art SCORE 148
A mini island made from a 102 years old abandoned ship SCORE 148
Grammar Mistakes Are The Worst SCORE 133
And It Takes Forever To Charge SCORE 12
Carry Me Human SCORE 8
Dexter's crazy electricity bill SCORE 119
Why have you given me a blank piece of paper? SCORE 239
Helpful Tip You Should Try SCORE 9