Schrödinger…we have a problem SCORE 72
My fav Venn diagram SCORE 60
NBA post game outfits. SCORE 163
Oh coco SCORE 67
Mexican swimming hole SCORE 89
Unlikely lines from a cosmetics commercial SCORE 136
This lynx and it’s huge paws SCORE 119
Stairs and floor made from a tree downed by Hurricane Sandy SCORE 140
My life, illustrated SCORE 93
As a Floridian, this has been happening a lot this week. SCORE 68
Megara and The Muses SCORE 179
When you piss off Sarge SCORE 94
The worst SCORE 94
My boss hates fish. SCORE 95
Clip clop SCORE 125
Mom Kicks Her Son Out Of The House For Being Gay SCORE 125
Marry him SCORE 136
Sue of side is no laughing matter SCORE 82
Kids In Missouri Practicing Their Reading With Shelter Dogs SCORE 138
My dog thinks he’s slick SCORE 77
An African Bush Viper – Pretty but Venomous SCORE 121
Airlines with a sense of humor SCORE 148
Vantablack, the Darkest Material Ever Made, Absorbs 99.965% Of Light SCORE 146
She is Meow-nificent SCORE 81
Children Not Looking At Modern Art SCORE 117
Have You Seen Eeyore? SCORE 57
How’s That Psych 101 Class Going? SCORE 97
When you want to help the children in need but end up getting roasted instead SCORE 78
linguistic coincidence SCORE 142
A handsome selfie SCORE 152
Worst name for a perfume SCORE 64
I’m rich! I’m wealthy! I’m socially secure! SCORE 99