Newly released photo of Governor Chris Christie being helicoptered back to Trenton from Island State Beach Park SCORE 95

No Matter The Species, Moms Are The Best SCORE 95

It’s good to know the difference… SCORE 85

There’s No Way This Is Not Photoshopped SCORE 122

Disquieted SCORE 111

I love public transportation. SCORE 67

The Buddy System SCORE 195

Mohammed Ali don’t count. SCORE 106

a true shame SCORE 73

Well that was a waste of money… SCORE 107

You ever been so hungry you drifted to your food? SCORE 114

I’m just picking up some rap snacks with a dab of ranch SCORE 19

Nba 2k lag in real life SCORE 94

My neighbor’s Bernese puppy with her own mini-me. SCORE 128

1 lyke = 1 preyer SCORE 96

This Generation Might Not Get It SCORE 82

The "I just got dumped" starter pack. SCORE 65

Well Done Gamers SCORE 204

truce? SCORE 46

Yesterday, we had a meeting about planets SCORE 81

The New York Times journalist who broke the Russia email story. SCORE 162

Cute pupper acts like kitter and is adorable SCORE 82

Local mattress store gives you a mini mattress for your doggie when buying a regular one. SCORE 143

The Vineyard in Kakheti, Georgia. SCORE 130

Photogenic Bunny. SCORE 127

when did you decide to be gay SCORE 146

My mom asked my sister if she uses the same streaming program that Mom uses SCORE 49

The Kind Of Things That Cool Mothers Do SCORE 51

A classic SCORE 50

Sneaky dog SCORE 121