Gordon Ramsay Is My Spirit Animal SCORE 10

This makes me happy SCORE 198

When Nobody Sees You Eating SCORE 12

A Bear Walking Upright SCORE 6

Why I wear a hijab SCORE 146

School got me like… SCORE 8

GTA 5 Cops SCORE 7

Simple And Clever Solution SCORE 122

Game Of Turtles SCORE 153

it must be hard birthing a unicorn SCORE 0

you shouldn't have asked that. SCORE 176

A Phone Message Left By A Passenger Of Flight 175 SCORE 189

High five???… Please SCORE 9

90s Technology SCORE 3

Precious Geode Skulls SCORE 135

This Put A Huge Grin On My Face SCORE 151

Today on mind blowing thoughts SCORE 130

Leave Poor Bill Alone SCORE 135

Extreme Before And After Shave SCORE 13

The Best Pizza Box Joke SCORE 5

How I looked when my crush said I am cute… SCORE 11

May I? SCORE 249

Cat’s Sudden Realization SCORE 11

God Bless Texas SCORE 203

Resume Writing Checklist for Brainy Jobseekers SCORE -2

Oh bless them, good people SCORE 170

Troll Level: Master SCORE 173

I Blame Macklemore SCORE 9

How To Pizza Waffle SCORE 11

I Understand Everything Now SCORE 13

Stormtrooper accuracy. SCORE 7

Do You Like My New Look Human? SCORE 14