I surrender to cuddles! SCORE 179

Monday is here! SCORE 161

Despicable Who? SCORE 161

Because, cute. SCORE 202

Maximum derp. SCORE 92

Wisdom from Picasso. SCORE 201

Zazz SCORE 17


Little banana SCORE 315

watermelon art SCORE 17

Summer expectations vs. reality. SCORE 140

Dad jokes. SCORE 216

Excellent advice via England. SCORE 232

The Blue Carpenter Bee. SCORE 10

Meine Wassermelon SCORE 11

The new MGM logo. SCORE 269

The escape artist. SCORE 267

The truth about volleyball. SCORE 303

#College SCORE 20

It’s the small accomplishments… SCORE 244

We Can’t Stop Prop List SCORE 5


Not so fast Kim SCORE 113
A poison dart frog sitting snugly inside of a concave mushroom SCORE 165

The Good Old Days SCORE 106

Pun! SCORE 157

Pun! SCORE 191

This cat is the chosen one. SCORE 14

Croception. SCORE 7

puns SCORE 16

My hamster has a tuft of fur that makes him look like a unicorn. SCORE 218

Turtle humor. SCORE 174