A well balanced diet. SCORE 241
Wuv. SCORE 154
Remember you’re not alone. SCORE 220
Literally. SCORE 186
The juggling drummer. SCORE 216
Meanwhile in America… SCORE 142
Breaking news: HOVER BOARDS! SCORE 202
Beware of Limbo Dancers! SCORE 142
Get in one little fight. SCORE 261
I want cookie. SCORE 129
Well played. SCORE 152
Highly suspect… SCORE 54
Royal-tea. SCORE 201
I never got your text. SCORE 178
There is still hope for you. SCORE 331
How to speak like Kristen Stewart. SCORE 214
I know kung fu. SCORE 148
Sorry Pacman… SCORE 170
90s nerd vs. 2011 hipster. SCORE 204
You’re fired! SCORE 191
Moustacha. SCORE 154
Fencing… also for old people. SCORE 165
Words. SCORE 261
Atheists pick and choose their morals. SCORE 387
Vincent Van Gogh to Disneyland. SCORE 98
When I plank, you plank, we plank. SCORE 199
Wild sneeze cometh… SCORE 79
Luke button. SCORE 148
Flight paths. SCORE 207
Bad form. SCORE 142