Penguins SCORE 130

States of cheese SCORE 72

Old couple and a car alarm SCORE 180

When He Wants To Play He Brings Some Toys SCORE 116

Taming a horse SCORE 153

I was an idiot SCORE 55

This is a thing that happens when you work in an office full of women. SCORE 90

Deer Runs From Flying Squirrel SCORE 118

When you turn on your phone in the middle of the night SCORE 84

I lied. SCORE 121

Pominator SCORE 120

Auto update SCORE 90

Oh the irony SCORE 128

Idea for Ellen SCORE 146

Mother of Dragons SCORE 144

My friends bucket list… SCORE 58

Mobster class final project SCORE 57

Raccoon knows what he wants SCORE 108

Private Office At Airbus A318 Elite SCORE 55


MRW my wife is playing my strategy games on Steam and I’m trying not to micromanage SCORE 84

This just in SCORE 226

Smells like dog kennel SCORE 58

He is fine, but she can never know the truth SCORE 87

Whale of a time. SCORE 93

Lovely Hat SCORE 121

We all here can relate to this one.. SCORE 103

It’s coming right at us! SCORE 113

Bloodsucking rule of thumb SCORE 69

OK Go Messes Around in Zero G SCORE 106

Clever girl… SCORE 94

My dog brought me some dirt today SCORE 92