Butterflies SCORE 13
Wise words from our king SCORE 9
This guy SCORE 180
It’s all downhill from here SCORE 12
Christmas Ornaments SCORE 6
The wind naturally curled this snow into a roll SCORE 160
Christmas in Australia SCORE 12
The future is now. SCORE 174
Lazy Cartographers SCORE 11
And watching everything you do… SCORE 5
Trees sprouted on top of abandoned chimneys SCORE 136
Raspberries make grape beards SCORE 14
Double Meanings SCORE 5
Marilyn Monroe drawn in dust on car SCORE 12
I have a whole new view on Siri… SCORE 12
Apparently My Fate Has Been Chosen SCORE 122
How To Easily Spot A Cat Person SCORE 13
Real Art SCORE 121
Once a year, the sun hits Yosemite's waterfalls just right to make it light up like this SCORE 189
Introverts SCORE 150
Crying in the corn- SCORE 15
Logan just doesn't give a shit anymore. SCORE 11
So sad. SCORE 5
World peace for dummies SCORE 158
In a family bathroom at my university… SCORE 11
That Painful Moment SCORE 8
Art problems SCORE 187
The most accurate depiction of how my finals went SCORE 12
Must be a universal "i’m a rich dbag smile" SCORE 129
Sorry to ruin your lives but SCORE 123
Every. Time SCORE 18
I’d Vote for Them SCORE 136