Official Canadian temperature chart. SCORE 166
Where do you match up? SCORE 16
How far have you gone with a guy? SCORE 206
No pie! SCORE 153
That escalated quickly… SCORE 178
Science Fair project findings are 100% accurate SCORE 271
Childhood Ultimately Ruined SCORE 7
Old people Valentine. SCORE 13
On Stormtroopers. SCORE 21
Jared’s winter habitat. SCORE 4
Victoria’s Secret. SCORE 235
On Shanghai Tower SCORE 13
This just sounds wrong… SCORE 12
Tip: -$2.84 SCORE 96
Why I will never go surfing. SCORE 217
Andrew Jackson. SCORE 225
Awesome Glowing Beer Pong Table SCORE 0
So surprise. Much gasp. SCORE 18
Just a reminder. SCORE 1
The ching chong language SCORE 225
World’s tallest and shortest man. SCORE 171
Living in an episode of Sherlock. SCORE 324
John Barrowman, sassiest woman on Doctor Who. SCORE 272
Their adoring fans. SCORE 22
The original fairy tales. SCORE 15
Made in USA. Made in China. SCORE 14
This is my jam! SCORE 14
Fess up! SCORE 12
Insane juggling and ball skills SCORE 181
Scumbag popcorn kernels. SCORE 170
Please make this happen. SCORE 331