My local mini mart is awesome. SCORE 176

It's not a smirk SCORE 156

Kermit gonna get some stitches SCORE 4

Doing Everything To Survive SCORE 18

If We Taught Math Just Like We Teach Art SCORE 118

Puns of love SCORE 173

this couldn’t be more true SCORE 13

My life as a child SCORE 180


Perfection SCORE 234

That’s A-Door-Able SCORE 197

So, No Captain Puerto Rico? SCORE 16

Gun regulation. SCORE 7

Memorial Day SCORE 191

StageCenter: SportsCenter For Theater SCORE 2

Well Done Gamers SCORE 199

Brave Bird SCORE 8

Oh, Draco SCORE 165

When I want to swear but my family is around SCORE 14

A lesson on speaking SCORE 196

Sell Me This Laptop SCORE 14

Boop! Jazz hands! Do a barrel roll! Jazz hands! Retreat! SCORE 8

Preach! SCORE 12

Classic Black Lab Maneuver SCORE 12

You cannot rest here SCORE 160

You Fooled Me! Put Me Down! SCORE 15

Beards SCORE 171

Seems like something I would do SCORE 156

American culture gets a burn SCORE 197

Here's why humane shelters ask for donated toothbrushes SCORE 215

Save The Rhinos SCORE 150

Messing with the neighbors SCORE 175