This is sick… SCORE 121
Grumpy Cat is now my new idol SCORE -3
Da Fast and da Furryest. SCORE 154
Row, row, row your barge, gently down the stream… SCORE 260
Korean cuisine. SCORE -2
Parking… SCORE -3
Robbing a movie theater. SCORE 326
I’m introverting. SCORE 234
You’re halfway to becoming batman… SCORE 415
The trick to chopping onions. SCORE 222
Sometimes you need to talk to a two year old… SCORE 279
This is by my gym’s bathrooms. SCORE 195
So Thats What Happened SCORE 7
How to win a fight. SCORE 204
I love you. SCORE 268
How relationships work. SCORE 184
Sometimes you need to stop and smell the roses. SCORE 85
Doctor Who Peanuts SCORE 8
Every pet ever SCORE 174
So close. SCORE 108
Avenger Time. SCORE 79
Diabeetus, you’re doing it right. SCORE 251
What do you mean I needs glasses? SCORE 121
Thanks Disneyland? SCORE 103
Summer time ice cream. SCORE 6
I would totally watch this. SCORE 301
Armored Guinea Pig SCORE 7
You know nothing Jon Snow SCORE 61
Witty insults from famous people. SCORE 317
What did Apple really invent? SCORE 182
By the power of baby! SCORE 325