Basketball found floating off Dorset, UK, covered in goose barnacles SCORE 72

Thanks mom! SCORE 88

Waitress complimented my shirt SCORE 95

Don’t worry about it, man. SCORE 66

Just 80’s things… SCORE 62

Burninating the hallway… SCORE 64

Lifelike SCORE 79

Store with a PC custom build section SCORE 80

The struggle was real. SCORE 65

When a nurse takes up gardening SCORE 66

Modern Romance SCORE 28

That one time my dad met MC Hammer At Outback in 2004 SCORE 57

When you get away with something purely by the grace of god. SCORE 64

I would adopt the 3 SCORE 98

Blue dogs spotted in India thought by locals to be an incarnation of Shiva; experts say they likely swam in highly polluted water SCORE 46

A drink, a cigar and no fucks to give. 1950s. SCORE 61

The Face of Betrayal SCORE 75

Girls and boys given bandanas with no instructions. SCORE 78

Touching the co-workers mug SCORE 64

When your cellphone is at 98% but you still charge it SCORE 55

Friendship Goals SCORE 41

surprise friendish. SCORE 49

Best one so far. SCORE 97

Please don’t be that person SCORE 50

It’s a gamble… SCORE 45

I mean he’s not wrong… SCORE 87

water pipe encrusted with groundwater salt SCORE 73

The boiga joint SCORE 53

It’s summer and their cousins are here. They’re having fun SCORE 41

Paul with the win. SCORE 99

I will protect you SCORE 85

Ridiculously photogenic girl. SCORE 72