Come bac :( SCORE 26

Rationing Means a Fair Share For All of Us, circa 1942 SCORE 26

We’ll call it, the zoomies. SCORE 43

Hey gurrrrl SCORE 22

This is bananas! B-A-N-A-N-A-S SCORE 23

How much time do you have? SCORE 30

Brotherly love. SCORE 31

Parking garage in Tennessee being prepared for patients. SCORE 17

Dolphins fascinated by a pair of visiting squirrels. SCORE 34

It was foretold. SCORE 25

Rushing a massive load of thoughts and prayers to the local hospital… SCORE 20

I made a huge mistake… SCORE 17

Bring Borders Back! SCORE 33

Dig in, buddy. SCORE 21

Decisions are hard… SCORE 25

Absolutely no ragrets. SCORE 26

It’s a bold move… SCORE 20

It’s OK to worry about your office plants. SCORE 33

A local senator offering to give back donations to his campaign during this difficult time :) SCORE 37

…found on the inside of a piece of DJ equipment SCORE 33

A phone booth is converted to an aquarium in Japan. SCORE 32

Seems like a plan, at least. SCORE 21

A 32,000 year old cache of seeds collected by a squirrel was discovered in Siberian permafrost. Russian scientists grew one. SCORE 30

That’s one way to do it… SCORE 18

Van Gogh inspired cake. SCORE 26

Big Brother is Watching SCORE 28

Oh my lawd… SCORE 33

Papi gonna be so proud of me! SCORE 24

Hall way bingo at this nursing home while social distancing. SCORE 34

Please lay off the flushing… SCORE 28

My transition to remote work SCORE 27

Caaaaaarrrlllllll SCORE 23