Thought this was amoosing. SCORE 108

Robot love. SCORE 12

Selfie fail. SCORE 9

Spoiler alert! SCORE 7

I don’t know who to trust SCORE 132

What madness is this? SCORE 10

Thought this one too many times… SCORE 12

Dynasty Warriors SCORE 16

Beautiful Lamborghini Ganador Design SCORE 10

This. is. me. SCORE 158

Boop loop. SCORE 10

Like a boss SCORE 125

Three faces. SCORE 165

Dealers be like… SCORE 140

Poor Odin… SCORE 131

Seems logical. SCORE 4

Celebrities before they were celebrities. SCORE 168

The more I learn about people… SCORE 124

I know dem feels. SCORE 14

Hey! Wake up its Monday! SCORE 95

The positive side of not getting vaccinated. SCORE 215

Gym expectations vs reality SCORE 13

Kurt Cobain on rape SCORE 219

the procrastination is real SCORE 161

If real animals sounded like Pokemon. SCORE 15

Got bored at work today. SCORE 12

S’mores donut. Do want. SCORE 9

50 Shades of Gray. SCORE 9

Personal space? SCORE 125

First world problems. SCORE 152

The Hollow Man SCORE 7

24 carrot gold cake. Do want. SCORE 0