Do want. SCORE 154

Ahh, childhood. SCORE 151

My last hope. SCORE 374

And for my next trick… SCORE 152

Conquest of the Octopus SCORE 10

You’re doing it right. SCORE 285

Thoughts? SCORE 5

Box of Kittens SCORE 5

Like a boss. SCORE 159

Cats vs. Dogs SCORE 265

Creature of the Wild SCORE 11

I stink, therefore I am. SCORE 0

Accurate. SCORE 209


What Monday morning feels like. SCORE 161

The orangu-tango. SCORE -1

The power of the “Draw 4” card. SCORE 231

I have 5 fingers for a reason. SCORE 176

Spidey’s Secrets- #6 Spider Sense SCORE 5

Deal with it. SCORE 126

Details… SCORE 150

MLKJ Quote SCORE 278

My laptop’s fan… SCORE 317

Just Barney. SCORE 186

When you realize…. SCORE 4

Instagram vs. Vine. SCORE 106

How my weekends go… SCORE 187

Nice try SCORE 343

Dog logic. SCORE 135

An x-ray of a snake. SCORE 163

Spidey’s Secret #6- Spider Sense SCORE -2

What witchcraft is this?! SCORE 170