Australian news SCORE 108
These wine reviews. SCORE 152
Always be better than yesterday. SCORE 104
Humans are the only species that pay to live on earth. SCORE 9
Shake it off. SCORE 2
You are not Bill Gates. SCORE 303
Are you ashamed of me?! SCORE 15
High but not dry. SCORE 16
The anti-vaxxer movement in a nutshell. SCORE 222
Going on an adventure SCORE 163
This haircut SCORE 10
These candles SCORE 9
Could you repeat that, please? SCORE 13
Why I have trust issues SCORE 181
Amazing clouds and fields in Wyoming. SCORE 142
Standing desks. SCORE 167
Normal. SCORE 162
Code names SCORE 158
Natural phenomena. SCORE 8
That didn’t last long… SCORE 92
When a blocked number calls you. SCORE 173
A helmetless Daft Punk, circa 90s. SCORE 16
hey you’re terrible at that SCORE 1
Wiggle wiggle wiggle… SCORE 9
My kind of gang SCORE 9
Poor Leo. SCORE 120
9 hours SCORE 155
Accurate SCORE 101
Dogs vs. cats. SCORE 8
Must be a defective cat SCORE 156
Moving a picture in Microsoft word. SCORE 186
Cute Puppy is Cute SCORE 10