Doggy braces SCORE 6
Calvin Hobbes Deadpool Star Wars Disney SCORE 16
Life of an introvert SCORE 167
This is what Disney World's solar farm looks like from the sky SCORE 15
Very Honest Labels SCORE 132
Must not allow the feets to get wet SCORE 161
iPhone Hangout SCORE -3
Brazil Open is using shelter dogs as ball dogs SCORE 161
Um…it’s a secret code of cake? SCORE 14
Jensen Cackles SCORE 125
This time, Dean Ursula trapped Ariel with student loans SCORE 5
Ladies and gentlemen… My greyhound. SCORE 9
Never forget SCORE 192
Oh Bernie… SCORE 182
One fluffle to go please SCORE 133
Upstairs Neighbors SCORE 16
Forget the conversation itself, wtf does a winking frowny face mean? D; SCORE -5
In The End We Are All The Same SCORE 143
At the age of 19 SCORE 187
It came as a complete surprise SCORE 185
Attention please… SCORE 8
Ouch SCORE 172
Happy Goat is happy! SCORE 9
Either way, I’ve still managed to carry a conversation SCORE 11
The sun has come out SCORE 13
When You’re Bored And Have Lots Of Skittles SCORE 155
The largest galaxy ever found compared to our galaxy SCORE 15
Touché SCORE 152
ain’t nobody got time for that SCORE 8
Remember to take precautions SCORE 7
Book sculptures SCORE 10