Words of wisdom. SCORE 14
How I imagine a girl pees on a public toilet. SCORE 235
Dat bum. SCORE 174
The saddest giraffe. SCORE 8
True Story SCORE 4
Sloth god demands sacrafice SCORE 13
If people had dog behavior. SCORE 7
‘Scuse me, ma’am. You forgot this. SCORE 300
There’s more to life than books. SCORE 173
The more you know. SCORE 152
The cheapest vacation you can buy. SCORE 259
Accurate. SCORE 211
Caution! SCORE 10
ADHD kids. SCORE 186
Thanks cat… SCORE 137
And I’m old. SCORE 6
The foot door handle. SCORE 273
How jellyfish pass the time SCORE 184
Lying scumbag math teachers. SCORE 191
The adventures of Lord Mario. SCORE -41
Silly George. SCORE 6
That’s Accurate SCORE 11
Edward Snowden should go win American Idol. SCORE 243
Life In America 1983 vs Today SCORE 154
jon snow SCORE 7
Nice time machine, gramps. SCORE 12
Photobomb level: adorable SCORE 294
Zach Braff helps me propose to my girlfriend SCORE 123
How “50 Shades of Grey” was written… SCORE 17
The smile machine. SCORE 333
Selling oranges in afghanistan SCORE 10
Going to grandparents’ house. SCORE 241