So this happened… SCORE 10
Inspirational quote of the day! SCORE 9
Thanks grandma SCORE 128
When your pet falls asleep on you SCORE 12
You too can be President SCORE 200
I Wasn’t Ignoring You SCORE 6
When you bite into a raisin cookie… SCORE 4
Nope thanks to global warming no iceberg to hit. SCORE 2
Police officer that saved a girl in 98 attended her college graduation SCORE 173
Straight Outta Options SCORE 119
I Need This Book…. SCORE 8
Steve Harvey looks like Mr Potato Head SCORE 19
I wish I was a unicorn… SCORE 5
Powdered Donuts. SCORE 13
The Highlight Of The Trip SCORE -20
New Haircut Win SCORE 5
Accidentally Went Shopping On An Empty Stomach SCORE 15
This is accurate SCORE 7
One wheeled motorcycle, 1931. Top speed of 93 mph SCORE 13
My new t-shirt SCORE 131
The Hypnotizing Beauty Of Russia’s Historic Metro Stations SCORE 109
Most illustration tutorials SCORE 7
A Good Friend Calls You In Jail SCORE 1
This one is just weird SCORE 14
I Hope Someone Gets Fired For This… SCORE 3
Einstein’s Doctorate rejection letter by the University of Bern SCORE 21
Why do thieves shower before a crime? SCORE 4
So What Have You Planned For The Future? SCORE 2
Life’s little gifts SCORE 11
Reasons Why I Procrastinate SCORE 12
I’ll Miss You Old Friend SCORE 14