To Stop Asking About Babies SCORE 110

When Chrome Auto-Fill Knows my Credit Card Info… SCORE 105

Rolling Fog in a Ukrainian Town SCORE 89

China May Be Using Sea to hide its submarines… SCORE 85

How to Draw Mickey Mouse SCORE 96

Becoming a vegan SCORE 90

The Milky Way galaxy as drifts beyond Mt. Hood, as seen from the beautiful Lost Lake in Oregon SCORE 138

When You Become An Adult SCORE 9

Kathryn Beaumont – model for the original Alice in Wonderland SCORE 143

Every Time I Make Pasta SCORE 5

The mighty descendants of dinosaurs SCORE 141

That was close… SCORE 6

Graduation SCORE 93

Chomp The Cat Bed SCORE 119

This sign has been stolen too many times I guess. SCORE 129

Cat Regrets Everything SCORE 8

Great! Another Satisfied Customer SCORE 133

How to properly use Twitter SCORE 259

Do Not Go Outside SCORE 105

I call it the "Normieverse" SCORE 96

The body of Christ! SCORE 48

The Price Of Rent Is Ridiculous SCORE 108

You know who you are! SCORE 106

I never noticed this before, but it’s true and I appreciate it. SCORE 123

Dadzoned SCORE 122

Doctor’s Orders: SCORE 98

Purgatory SCORE 2

True Love SCORE 6

I should go back to Florida SCORE 164

Fangirls be like SCORE 137

Well, She Kind Of Has A Point SCORE 168

What Most Of My Relationships Are Built On SCORE 5