dragons evolved into cats SCORE 30

the hunt for greener pastures continues SCORE 18

have you ever tried just leaving your car at home? SCORE 28

it’s a real high wire act SCORE 15

don’t fall for his lies! SCORE 20

the next michael bay box office hit SCORE 29

behold! SCORE 23

the trick is to get so lost you can never be found SCORE 27

things should be wrapped up at a respectable hour SCORE 37

brother, i am unstoppable SCORE 25

just like father taught me SCORE 9

so much speech SCORE 17

i can never return again SCORE 24

he just wants to make his voice heard SCORE 29

no one should be allowed to do this SCORE 15

if you answered yes you’re wrong SCORE 15

the most accurate timeline SCORE 33

i choose raccoon SCORE 21

i don’t see the problem SCORE 16

this is horrifying SCORE 17

at some point you’ll need these SCORE 17

let’s bring ahoy back! SCORE 25

did you get your invite to the bug wedding yet? SCORE 45

i’d call this an objective fact SCORE 23

this is the risk you take for a 7/11 hotdog hot off the roller SCORE 31

they get the job done SCORE 11

tastes like sadness SCORE 5

you can dream! SCORE 38

tinsilitis SCORE 35

without a SCORE 13

i mean, they’re not wrong SCORE 19

another possible evolution of dragons SCORE 35