It’s probably maybelline. SCORE 176
Fluidity SCORE 139
When your girlfriend tries to give you a massage. SCORE 10
Wash me. SCORE 11
Dr. Seuss on love. SCORE 9
don’t let a single additional day pass… SCORE 9
He Most Certainly Did SCORE 205
Pupellers SCORE 98
The power of makeup. SCORE 11
Why I act gay in public. SCORE 235
Engagement rings. SCORE 221
Unlikely friends. SCORE 168
Teenage boys. SCORE 216
That special shine. SCORE 4
So much cute. SCORE 16
The memory loss drug. SCORE 219
These Bananas are Blue SCORE 13
I just want people to love me. SCORE 132
Garbagemen taking a break. SCORE 172
get tattoos wisely. SCORE 5
Huh. Guess I don’t need this water bottle anymore SCORE 13
Faith in humanity restored! SCORE 284
I’m not short I’m a hobbit. SCORE 12
Mac and cheese matrimony. SCORE 124
Trying to trick your teacher. SCORE 13
What does this even mean? SCORE 8
Here is a goat on top of a goat. SCORE 99
Screw Society’s Standards SCORE 125
Freak SCORE 16
Pretty accurate to my life SCORE 139
Sneaky kitty cuddles. SCORE 176
Team work SCORE 107