Ellen SCORE 150

What Happens When You Mess With France SCORE 7

Cutting bricks from limestone. SCORE 12

Best Libraries In The World SCORE 6

Beautiful SCORE 144

Seriously people SCORE 10

Why we get goosebumps SCORE 6

So Batman doesn’t eat Cereal? SCORE 4

I think we need a break, hooman SCORE 7

We Can All Agree On This SCORE 203

The weribee zoo in Melbourne, Australia SCORE 12

That's my boy SCORE 168

Poor Dog SCORE 172

Bullying – stop it! SCORE 110

Did I do well Lord Manatee? SCORE 5

An Upside-down Diver under ice SCORE 136

Who Dat SCORE 101

Netileedoodileee and chillerino SCORE 7

Inside an abandoned church in France SCORE 12

Slippery floor SCORE 9

Go Sit In A Corner, Now Think About What You’ve Done SCORE 15

You Know It’s Bad SCORE 111

Awesome Hobbit Bar In New Zealand SCORE 14

Its a valid question SCORE 13

The Strangest Student Name SCORE 165

The Grandma Starter Pack SCORE 174

Just Be Kind SCORE 12

Every Math Test Ever SCORE 9

The Only Creature Who Is Not In The Picture SCORE 166

I've always wanted to be an Ent SCORE 8

Why I’m nice to everyone. SCORE 13

Things Most Americans Don’t Know About America SCORE 9