There are two kinds of people. SCORE 15

How to talk to girls SCORE 17

My life goal. SCORE 14

Aaaaaaaaaand GONE! SCORE 9

James Franco and Stephen Colbert having a Tolkien showdown. SCORE 323

Procrastination level: Expert SCORE 139

His escape at the end makes it even better! SCORE 17

She’s not the smartest dog. SCORE 189

The longest 5 minutes of your life. SCORE 12

When Jesus is trying to take the wheel SCORE 10

I need this bathtub. SCORE 13

Truth. SCORE 222

Five phrases that make my blood run colder than ice SCORE 8

And now it will stay in your head through the rest of the day SCORE 15

Trolled SCORE 11

I am a man and I find this offensive. SCORE 109

The Japanese flying squirrel. SCORE 154

I sing like a starving walrus! SCORE 190

All made of chocolate, Bonn Christmas Market, Germany SCORE 12


Having a bad day?? SCORE 15

DIY boxes SCORE 168

Animals in the winter. SCORE 4

Snow. SCORE 11

What is Your Monster Movie? SCORE 11

It shouldn’t be mathematically possible. SCORE 147

The Geekiest Book Mark SCORE 16

That’s a funny looking lion. SCORE 152

The daily grind SCORE 16

I can do this SCORE 17

Truth. SCORE 16

Good guy HTC SCORE 227