Our local second hand store has simplified all known musical categories in existence. SCORE 5

Muhammad Ali SCORE 11

Having a morning poop SCORE 11

My favorite kind of flowers SCORE 74

He Was So Close To Finishing, I Almost Feel Bad SCORE 5

Well played, Wolfram Alpha SCORE 10

I Am Hungry! SCORE 88

Circle your answer SCORE 13

Found on Maisie Williams’ Instagram SCORE 148

Am I The Only Who Explains SCORE 150

Not even mad SCORE -14

Sticks and stones SCORE 129

Savage SCORE 67

Take that, Frank’s. SCORE 118

Like That Feeling SCORE 122

Well that was unexpected! SCORE 6

A moment of silence for ironayra to reminisce over his noble sacrifice. SCORE 180

My patronus SCORE 108

It’s 150 points… SCORE 131

And if you turn around don’t forget to pull out your phone and pretend to read a text first SCORE 62

Womens magazines SCORE 87

What’s The Difference Between a Hippo and a Zippo? SCORE 92

That drugged up feeling SCORE 3

I forgot to upload this a while back… SCORE -6

How I imagine I won as a sperm. SCORE 97

Birdy SCORE 43

The Thinker SCORE 146

What Are You Waiting For? SCORE 141

Ron Swanson SCORE 141

Where all the cool cats were on Friday night SCORE 17

The chemistry staff at my university do not mess around SCORE 126

Kylo ren has aged since winter. SCORE -6