Hi, Welcome To McGoth SCORE 166

I’ll clap when there’s something worth clapping for SCORE 15

There’s A Really Fine Line SCORE 114

Most girls when they stretch SCORE 110

You’re sure that’s the right word? SCORE 164

The Frightening Life Of H. H. Holmes SCORE 14

Some Can’t Handle The Jug Life SCORE 113

Not a squirrel SCORE 16

This is actually my life SCORE 13

These Are The Best Feelings In The World SCORE 141

I think they do SCORE 12

Clever DIY Coil iPhone Cable SCORE 14

true story SCORE 12

Too Much Peanut Butter SCORE 8

Proper Name For A Pile Of Cats SCORE 11

Being 17 is hard. Literally SCORE 145

Really Expensive Education SCORE 174

Help make America great again SCORE 141

This Cast Is Legendary SCORE 13

Anyone else? SCORE 180

That’s an interesting way to go down the stairs SCORE 12

Childhood isn’t a disease SCORE -11

Disgusting but Accurate… SCORE 108

Fun fact about Han Solo SCORE 12

That One Point In The Semester SCORE 140

My sister forgot to get her permission slip signed and my mom’s a smart ass SCORE 8

For the extroverts SCORE 117

The Cake I Actually Want For My Birthday SCORE 133

Great idea for kids’ sandpits. SCORE 144

A castle in infrared SCORE 139

Awkward SCORE 144

Biggest Sandwich Ever SCORE 19