Johnny depp movie SCORE 167
They Look Really Cozy SCORE 8
Some People Are Too Sensitive These Days SCORE 4
Daylight savings time SCORE 12
What Video Games Have Really Taught Me SCORE 135
Don’t question it SCORE -4
That’s A Potato SCORE 128
Germans On America SCORE 136
Are you ready college students? SCORE 14
Life choices SCORE 134
Let’s make America Grate Again! SCORE 10
Wow, that is actually quite amazing SCORE 210
Hardest Part Of Being A Vegan SCORE 135
Abandoned Belgian chateau SCORE 16
I’m not sure what to do with this information. SCORE 169
And this is what happens after they find out SCORE 156
The Cat Call SCORE -2
Hole to another world SCORE 12
Holding the vending machine hostage SCORE 14
Cool Winter Hats That Will Keep You Warm SCORE 8
90s Cats Will Understand SCORE 9
That makes sense. SCORE 9
After the last round of primary elections… SCORE 100
This horse is my spirit animal. SCORE 141
Horrifyingly accurate SCORE 17
Just Don't Stop Practicing SCORE 13
Drake swapped his hair and beard around SCORE 142
World wars SCORE 204
Joe…just don’t SCORE -3
so close SCORE 16
Bernie Sanders’ opinion on Trump SCORE 11
These are not the floors you are looking for SCORE -1