bo-bby-oh SCORE 22

luna toons SCORE 10

frosted fringe SCORE 11

dam impressive SCORE 10

hamster famster SCORE 26

vault of secrets SCORE 22

he’s really sweet SCORE 10

logging in SCORE 2

socia-bull SCORE 25

snug like a bud in a rug SCORE 17

disorder disorder SCORE 27

manifest besties SCORE 14

pope patrol SCORE 25

legoloss SCORE 15

respectfully inclined SCORE 28

corn on the slob SCORE 13

squonkward…. SCORE 16

waging war SCORE 35

bonkers honkers SCORE 11

ford finder SCORE 8

birdbrain vs birdbrawn SCORE 36

not-fine apple SCORE 32

going out on a limb SCORE 17

band for band SCORE 16

monkey morality SCORE 5

haha, just kidneying…unless? SCORE 2

jaws of love SCORE 23

cold as ice SCORE 22

pod patrol SCORE 18

mirror fearer SCORE 5

we all know who uses AI and why… SCORE -22

easy mauth SCORE 25