The birth of Philosophy. SCORE 18

Disney’s most heartbreaking moment. SCORE 163

Girlfriend simulator. SCORE 130

Thor, shut up SCORE 5

Watch yo back, human! SCORE 17

When everyone is crying in a sad movie except for me. SCORE 115

Doctor As Sherlock SCORE 170

That smug smile. SCORE 10

ohh yes SCORE 194

My Chocolate SCORE 10

Why Unicorns Fart Rainbows SCORE 14

Oh, Jace… SCORE 150

Well, this is embarrassing… SCORE 127

Another! SCORE 157

Bunkbeds SCORE 9

What could attract a kitten, puppy and two chickens?! SCORE 120

Who wouldn’t want one?! SCORE -2

Whenever people tell me I’m too old to like Frozen SCORE 1

They don’t deserve a treat! SCORE 9

Mirror magic. SCORE 225

Hank Hill’s opinion on the world cup. SCORE 15

Nice try, laundry. SCORE 117

Kitten ladder. SCORE 125


Feels Ambush SCORE 190

That’s my cat SCORE 11

Why do animals hate cameras so much?! SCORE 183

Bonding over brothers SCORE 128

Freesurf Session SCORE -5

Google, page 2. SCORE 179

Dean Winchester. Enough said. SCORE 117