Teaching level: Micheal Jackson SCORE 174

Kitty-Kat SCORE 245

Trollololo SCORE 209

Hello. SCORE 174

Josh sends question via telepathy. SCORE 257

You’re doing it right, Megan. SCORE 272

*coughs* Loki SCORE 242

Earth, Jupiter, and Venus Taken from Mars SCORE 220

Meanwhile, in Russia. SCORE 144

Hogwarts. SCORE 223

advertising done right! SCORE 224

Stark Naked. SCORE 252

This plate gets it. SCORE 239

What I did to protect my Girl Scout cookies SCORE 11

please SCORE 8

Say cheese! SCORE 4

Japanese Prank Shows are insane SCORE 151

Blissfully unaware~ SCORE 15

RDJ being RDJ SCORE 350

Why was 6 afraid of 7? SCORE 161

I’m not even mad…that’s actually amazing SCORE -7

PB and Jelly SCORE 16

When the pizza gets here SCORE -2

You’re in my spot. SCORE 17

I feel bad for lions at zoos… SCORE 200

This is my jam! SCORE 144

Being an adult… SCORE 239

Professional golfer Stewart Cink without a hat. SCORE 20

And it shall. SCORE 255

The recording of the MGM Lion, 1929 SCORE 186

Owl SCORE 190

Ouch. SCORE 13