Mickey Mouse: PI SCORE 33
millenials SCORE 40
no big deal SCORE 20
at least it’s on time SCORE 35
hot take – star wars are kids movies, so watch them like you’re 12 SCORE 37
oh god no SCORE 52
so the post was actually about penguins! SCORE 45
sorry, not sorry, larry SCORE 24
this is genius SCORE 64
it was a strange time SCORE 46
me and Link aren’t so different SCORE 42
around the back SCORE 33
and now i’m crying at work SCORE 7
good boi on the case! SCORE 35
attack of the clones SCORE 54
plain oatmeal is gross SCORE 51
i shouldn’t have laughed, but then i laughed SCORE 52
where’s the lamp? SCORE 58
fire the architect SCORE 36
it’s not much, but it’s honest work SCORE 48
boop the snoot SCORE 28
i wish my professors would have done this SCORE 74
50 cent loves his son SCORE 62
goats don’t believe in physics SCORE 37
have a seat friends, i’ve a story to tell you SCORE 51
the risk is worth the reward, clearly SCORE 36
shrek SCORE 21
i don’t have to fits to sits SCORE 49
it belongs to the cat now SCORE 43
this is the life i want for myself SCORE 56
stu looks so sad… SCORE 26
caring teachers are the best teachers SCORE 60