Parent logic SCORE 154

He has a point SCORE 153

That’s Good Because Acting Wasn’t Working SCORE 16

A guy helps a fox out SCORE 157

When you’ve been marathoning Netflix all weekend. SCORE 9

There Are Many Important Questions SCORE 158

Useless Monty Python Clock SCORE 8

Never lose your pen SCORE 11

Seriously though… SCORE 18

German trains SCORE 214

This trolley of puppies SCORE 13

Only Little Dogs Allowed SCORE 151

Star wars: The force awakens SCORE 88

Seinfeld On Breaking Up SCORE 12

Girls memory SCORE 12

The Miracle Of Nature SCORE 155

Science! SCORE 165

Heaven for you, wonderful dogs! SCORE 199

More than just a kids show SCORE 15

Austrian Special Forces dog makes a jump from 10,000 feet SCORE 8

Seems Like Leo Loves To Play The Hero SCORE 141

Newton’s Lesser Known Law SCORE 189

Beautiful Steampunk Bathroom SCORE 9

Lovely Pic Of A Ladybug In A Cat Nose SCORE 117

That is one serious addiction… SCORE 106

Seriously why? SCORE 132

Seeing your crush’s green dot on Facebook and realising how Gatsby felt. SCORE 162

TenTickles SCORE 14

Pretty genius if you ask me… SCORE 178

Reasons My Son is Crying SCORE 8

Mid Air Collision SCORE -3

Procrastination SCORE 11